I'm Realinspirer

Developer Video editor 3D & Vector Artist

My online and work name is 'Realinspirer'. Primarily a programmer, I now make and work on a lot of things which I love.

Programming has always been my go to since I was like 14. I loved programming when I was first introduced to it during my school time. Soon I discovered about C# and my first projects include making some small console programs using .NET. I started and learnt C# after I decided to make apps and also to pursue game development in the future and here I am!

Since we are talking about me, I also loved watching romance anime (I don't watch it anymore), and the reason I am mentioning this is because I am obsessed with true love because of this. Haha, maybe a bit personal... I felt adding this here because this trait of mine has helped during various times of life... yeah.

Work: Now, I work on various different things which include game development, video editing, 3D designing, shading & visual effects, app development and vector designing.

Experience: I have been doing programming in general and working with languages and apps since around 2018. But if we're talking about game development, I have been making games since around 2020, right around the time when a 'certain pandemic' started.

People: Realinspirer' is a 'one man army'... for now. 😉 I wanna get more exposure in the gaming industry and wanna work on things I have loved since forever. I would love to work with like-minded people and progress and learn together. I look forward to what the future beholds!

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